
About Us

“Through a holistic approach, my team and I have demonstrable track record of creating a healthy early years provision from the business model up, through to the quality of years education. Thank you, for taking  the time to browse the website to find out more.”

We at Stepping Stones Early Years Consultancy understand that to fully thrive as an early year’s provider, a dual awareness is paramount, one that is often overlooked. Current practises sway heavily towards the early years framework standards only.

Having a unique mission within the early years industry, we have devised a holistic model that ensures better outcomes for both aspects of your provision, resulting in a combination of both childhood and business as a whole, rather than fragmented concept.

Experience of an early years education start up, with year on year growth and profit spanning 10 years, paired with knowledge surrounding sales and acquisition of the current London and South East early years market, brings broad insight into the industry.

Striving for excellence in all areas of your business, we look forward to advocating for you, the early years provider, in a fresh, empowered approach to meeting not only an efficient, safe and diverse setting, but one that thrives as a high performing business. 


We understand the benefits of great early years provision for the future, empowering and enabling managers to embrace the key leadership tools to flourish.

Business development alongside early years improvement is vital for long term better outcomes for all. This is an exciting time to be in the early years industry.

Ultimately, the question is, are you good or better?

Get in touch today

and revitalise your vision, team and outcomes.